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Review of new planet of the apes movie

# Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes: A Thrilling New Chapter in Ape Evolution

Hey there, fellow movie buffs! Ready to swing into the jungle and explore the latest installment in one of sci-fi’s most beloved franchises? Grab your popcorn and let’s dive into the wild world of “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes”!

## Background and Franchise Overview

### The Planet of the Apes Legacy

Remember when you first saw those talking apes and thought, “Well, that’s bananas!”? The Planet of the Apes franchise has been blowing our minds since 1968. From Charlton Heston’s iconic “Get your paws off me, you damn dirty ape!” to Andy Serkis’s groundbreaking performance as Caesar, this series has always pushed the envelope.

### Setting the Stage for “Kingdom”

Fast forward to 2024, and we’re now witnessing the dawn of a new era. “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” picks up several generations after Caesar’s reign, thrusting us into a world where apes are the dominant species. But don’t worry, there’s still plenty of monkey business to go around!

## Plot Synopsis and Character Development

### A World Dominated by Apes

Picture this: lush forests reclaiming crumbling cities, apes building their own civilization, and humans… well, let’s just say they’re not at the top of the food chain anymore. The film drops us into this brave new world with all the subtlety of a gorilla beating its chest.

### Key Characters and Their Journeys

#### Ape Protagonists

Our main ape, let’s call him Cornelius (no relation to the original, mind you), is a young chimp with a curious mind and a rebellious streak. He’s like that one friend who always gets you into trouble, but you can’t help tagging along. Alongside him, we’ve got a wise orangutan elder (because every good story needs a Yoda-type) and a fierce gorilla warrior who’s got more brawn than brains.

#### Human Survivors

On the human side, we meet a scrappy group of survivors led by a resourceful woman named Maya. She’s like a post-apocalyptic MacGyver, making weapons out of vines and coconuts. Her band of merry humans adds a touch of “Mad Max” to the ape-dominated landscape.

## Visual Effects and Cinematography

### Pushing the Boundaries of CGI

Holy banana peels, Batman! The CGI in this film is so good, you’ll be checking your own arms for fur. The apes are more realistic than ever, with every hair, wrinkle, and emotion captured in stunning detail. It’s like watching a nature documentary, if nature documentaries featured apes riding horses and wielding spears.

### Breathtaking Landscapes and Set Designs

The world of “Kingdom” is a visual feast. Imagine the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, but designed by chimpanzees. The film takes us from overgrown cityscapes to treehouse villages that would make any eco-warrior green with envy. It’s like “Avatar” meets “Tarzan,” with a dash of “Waterworld” thrown in for good measure.

## Themes and Social Commentary

### Power Dynamics and Social Hierarchies

Just like high school, but with more fur, “Kingdom” explores the complexities of ape society. There’s political intrigue, power struggles, and enough drama to fill a banana-scented soap opera. It’s a stark reminder that no matter the species, we all love a good power trip.

### Environmental Messages

If you thought Captain Planet was preachy, wait till you see what these apes have to say about taking care of Mother Earth. The film doesn’t shy away from showing the consequences of human-caused environmental destruction. It’s like a PSA for climate change, but with opposable thumbs.

### The Nature of Humanity

Here’s where things get philosophical. The movie asks, “What does it mean to be human?” Is it our ability to use tools, our capacity for empathy, or our knack for starting wars over silly reasons? As the lines between ape and human blur, you might find yourself rooting for Team Primate.

## Performance and Direction

### Motion Capture Mastery

Andy Serkis might not be in this one, but his legacy lives on. The motion capture performances are so good, you’ll forget you’re watching actors in silly dots-covered suits. The apes convey more emotion with a single grunt than some human actors do with a full monologue.

### Wes Ball’s Directorial Vision

Director Wes Ball (known for the “Maze Runner” trilogy) brings a fresh perspective to the franchise. He balances action, emotion, and world-building like a circus performer juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle. It’s impressive, to say the least.

## Soundtrack and Audio Design

The score swings from haunting melodies to heart-pounding drums faster than you can say “Ook ook.” Combined with the immersive sound design, it’s like surround sound for your soul. You’ll feel every ape call and distant explosion in your bones.

## Comparisons to Previous Installments

How does “Kingdom” stack up against its predecessors? Well, it’s got the philosophical depth of the original, the action of the reboot trilogy, and a dash of its own unique flavor. It’s like your grandma’s secret recipe chili – familiar, but with a new kick that’ll keep you coming back for more.

## Box Office Performance and Audience Reception

As of writing this review, “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” is swinging from vine to vine at the box office. Audiences are going bananas for it, and critics are throwing more praise than a troop of chimps throws… well, you know.

## Final Thoughts and Rating

“Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” is a thrilling addition to the franchise that’ll make you laugh, cry, and possibly question your place in the evolutionary chain. It’s thought-provoking, visually stunning, and more fun than a barrel of… you guessed it.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 bananas! 🍌🍌🍌🍌½

## FAQs

  1. Q: Do I need to have seen the previous movies to understand “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes”? A: While it helps to have some background, “Kingdom” does a great job of standing on its own. You might miss a few references, but you’ll still have a wild ride!
  2. Q: Is the movie suitable for children? A: It’s rated PG-13 for a reason. There’s some intense action and themes that might be too complex for younger viewers. Maybe stick to “Curious George” for the little ones.
  3. Q: How does the CGI compare to the previous trilogy? A: It’s like comparing a flip phone to a smartphone. The CGI in “Kingdom” takes everything great about the previous films and cranks it up to 11.
  4. Q: Are there any post-credit scenes? A: Without spoiling anything, let’s just say it might be worth sticking around. You know what they say about curiosity and cats… or in this case, apes.
  5. Q: Will there be more Planet of the Apes movies after this one? A: If this movie’s success is any indication, we might be seeing more ape adventures in the future. Hollywood loves a good franchise almost as much as apes love bananas!

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